Thursday 9-hole Club Competitions

Competitions run every Thursday from late April until the end of August. All members (male or female) with a handicap can enter the competitions. If you haven't yet got a handicap you can find details on how you can get a handicap on the 'Handicap information' page.

Booking competitions

Tee times for the 9-hole competitions MUST be booked online. Note that the tee times will be booked as 'regular' tee times not a competition booking.

Competitions can be played at any time of day

Tees & Courses
  • All competitions will be played off the White tees (Men) and Red tees (Ladies)
  • All competitions will be played over the front 9
and Score Entry

Where possible scorecards should be submitted digitally, using the HowDidIDo platform - either through the mobile app, or through the How Did I Do website. The video below shows the process on the mobile app, although the same principles apply when using the website.
